Male Mantra Endurance Capsules


Male Mantra Endurance Capsules combine Korean Ginseng & Safed Musli for Stamina. It’s high in herbal nourishment and nurtures the body with double care. Both Korean Ginseng & Safed Musli is good for improving physical wellness and endurance power. Safed Musli is good for relaxing the body and rejuvenating it naturally. Ginseng on the other hand helps in reducing inflammation and boosts immunity power.


Male Mantra Endurance Capsules is the combination of Korean Ginseng & Safed Musli Stamina. Its high in herbal nourishment and nurture the body with double care. Both Korean Ginseng & Safed Musli is good for improving physical wellness and endurance power. Safed Musli is good for relaxing the body and rejuvenating it naturally. Ginseng on the other hand helps in reducing inflammation and boost immunity power.


Composition Amount Per Serving %RDA value Per serving
Energy 0.5576 Kcal 0.020%
Carbohydrate 0.1182 gm 0.028%
Protien 0.0212 gm 0.039%
Fat-Total 0 gm 0%
Cholestrol 0 gm 0%
Korean Ginseng 400 mg
Safed musuli 250 mg
Lycopene (10%) 5 mg


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